Thursday, November 13, 2014

All is Gone but Now

What is
What are
To trust the space
Between one’s ears
Think therefore am, no
For thoughts were not given but received
Born of environment
The fear has brought
Looming presence dominates
A stranger’s sermon
Belief a teddy bear
From Santa
Discovery murders
Deal with the terminal case
Of the human race
Nothing to hold
Infinity forward and behind
One point of one pointless existence
One moment to enjoy of nothing
All is gone but now
All is gone but now
Pain grows deep as enjoyment is indulged
Love risks high stakes
One throw of the dice
No justice
Survival a burden
No guilt can outweigh
Thoughts are borrowed
Pay back with interest
The soul is a relic
Time is inconsiderate
There is not grey, only black
The mind a traitor
All is betrayed, heart throbs in agony
Self-destruction diagnosed
No virus, no plague, no hope
Cry, cry into that disgusting night, my love
Love dies like the rest
Dry your tears with acceptance
Embrace it!
What am
The mistake of my fathers
Only what you think I am
I am
